1. What is the procedure to take the franchise ship of Invision?
A: To take the franchise ship of Invision one has to follow the following steps:
a) Fill our customer data form and send it to us along with your Drug license and VAT certificate copy.
b) Pay security deposit amount.
c) Place your order.
2. Where is the main/head office of Invision located?
A: Bangalore (Karnataka).
3. Can we get franchise ship without depositing the security amount?
A: No, it is mandatory for all the parties to pay the security deposit amount.
4. How much is the security deposit amount?
A: The security deposit amount is Rs.5000/-, which is refundable.
5. Is Invision, an ethical company or a generic company?
A: It is an Ethical company.
6. Can two franchises simultaneously work for Invision?
A: No, we give franchise ship on monopoly basis so only one party can work at a time for a district.
7. Do you have your own manufacturing unit?
A: We out source our manufacturing activity.
8. How can I get the products of Invision?
A: After your appointment as our company’s franchise, you can directly take products from the company or can take it from our C/F.
9. What are the product ranges available with Invision?
A: Antibiotics, Antacids, Anti-Flatulent, Anti-Ulcerant,Anti-Emetic,Anti-Allergic,Anti-Pyretic,Anti-cold,Anti-Asthamatic,Anti-Inflammatory,Analgesic,Anti-spasmodic,Dental range,Opthalmic range,Anti-malarial,Anti-diabetic, Urology,Steriods,Neuroleptics, Anti-obesity,Vitamins,Minerals,Proteins,Amino-acids and other nutritional supplements.
10. What benefit will I get for the security deposit amount?
A: We will provide you one set of visual aid, one MR bag and other promotional inputs.
11. What are the terms and conditions for getting the franchise ship?
• Promotion and Sales will be for allocated territory only.
• You will be required to send us amount of Rs. 5,000/- as security deposit it will be refundable and it will not carry any interest and you have to reach a purchase of Rs. 1,00,000/- per month.
• You will have to place first order of minimum Rs.40,000/-.
• We shall supply you one set of visual aid at free of cost and will be supplying you 20% of empty sample Catch covers of the product at free of cost, based on your product purchase however the samples with Tablets will be charged extra.
• You will be promoting at least 60 products from the product range and give us the details of district wise expectation of business, if you require more than one district.
• The goods will be supplied to you only on advance payment by your convenient transport the freight charges had be filled by you.
• Goods will be supplied on ruling price at the time of dispatch, you will be providing “C” Form with your purchase order otherwise CST will be charged as per CST Act.
• Company will not be responsible for loss and damages of the goods in transit.
12. Why Invision?
A: INVISION MEDI SCIENCES PVT.LTD is WHO GMP and ISO 9001-2000 certified company with a wide range of products with latest and advanced next generation molecules. INVISION MEDI SCIENCE PVT.LTD is known for providing truly world class healthcare solution and emerged as a powerful entity in the market with confident of creating new formulations and to make significant difference in the Pharma Industry.
13. Where is Invision Positioned in the market?
A: INVISION MEDI SCIENES PVT.LTD is serving mankind from more than a decade. It is listed on the first page of CIMS and well listed in IDR, ADR, DRUG TODAY, DRUG INDEX, MEDICAL DARPAN and in other Pharma Medical News journals. We have our products operating all over India with more than 500 franchisees.
14. What is our specialty?
A: Our specialties are developing new products. We have a wide range of products. Invision is known for developing latest molecules. We specialize in our promotional input like our literatures, visual-aids, catch covers, etc.
15. What makes us different from other companies?
A: Invision is an award winning company which is operating in the market from more than a decade. We provide franchise ship with monopoly rights, whereas other companies in the market provide PCD rights. The difference between a franchise model and a PCD model is, in franchise model the company will provide support to its franchisees through branding the product and providing various promotional inputs like literatures, catch covers, etc. along with this in a franchise model, the company will advertise its products in journals, magazines, etc. which will make easy for a business man to promote the product. In a PCD model the company provides only the products to supply in the market on propaganda basis, which makes it difficult for the business man to promote the product.